Sunday, April 25, 2010

Can you use coupons from another state?

Unless otherwise notified, discount coupons are valid in all US states.Can you use coupons from another state?
sure why notCan you use coupons from another state?
if it's a manufacturer's coupon then yes, but if it's a local coupon for a store, even if they have that store in your area, they may not be running the same specials so they might not honor it, but it's worth a try.
Yes, in most cases you can use like cupons from like the Sunday paper and sertain chains of stores nation wide and even those off of the internet, you know klike the ones you yourself can print up. Just besure to cheeck the experation date and read the fine print closely to see if there is any restricktions that are attacted to the offers on the cupon. Oh hey and heres a hint for you, want to save a lot of money at the store? Cheeck the sale fliers were you do your shopping, then take the same cupons for those same items on sale at the store and well, lets say you see something on sale you want and its like 40% off, well use that cupon to and get even more off. For one exampale, I went to Miejer grocery store bought everything on sale and used cupons on the same things too, by the time I was done I payed only $37.00 for almost two cart loads of grocerys. So happy shopping.
yeahh sure
Yes, current technology in the coupon field does not limit coupons by geography.
yeal i would think so because all it says is the experation date for a store such as publix but if it is like idk boomers it will have the address...

so to be blunt yes
my mom doesnt
Yes. My grandmother used to send me coupons from michigan to new mexico.
  • make up advice
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